Every penny counts towards creating a more positive future for mental health in our community.
The simplest way to support SNfMH is to make a one-off or regular donation to support our work. Thank you.
Whether you are a runner, cyclist, baker, golfer or like to catch up for a coffee with friends, could you hold a fundraising event for SNfMH?
If you’d like to get involved, or have an idea for your own fundraising event, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!
Please also follow our social media SNfMH - facebook to keep up to date with our fundraising campaigns and events throughout the year.
Play the Lichfield Community Lottery and choose SNfMH as your good cause.
For just £1 a week you’ll have a chance to win exciting prizes, whilst also supporting our work.
Did you know that you can raise money for SNfMH simply by shopping online? Sign up with Easyfundraising and choose us as your charity. Over 7,500 brands will donate a portion of your purchases to our cause, at no extra cost to you!
Make a donation or run a fundraiser through Crowdfunder.
No matter the amount, your contribution makes a difference!
Have you considered leaving a gift to SNfMH in your Will?
Legacy donations are an incredibly impactful way to ensure our vital services continue to support the mental health needs of Staffordshire residents for generations to come. If you're interested in learning more about legacy giving please contact us. We have resources available to help you discuss this option with your solicitor or financial advisor.